Epigenetics Uncovered: Change Your Habits, Change Your Life

January 27, 2025 00:22:40
Epigenetics Uncovered: Change Your Habits, Change Your Life
E2M Fitness Media Network
Epigenetics Uncovered: Change Your Habits, Change Your Life

Jan 27 2025 | 00:22:40


Show Notes

What if your future health isn’t written in your DNA? In this eye-opening episode of The BAD Podcast, Brad and Dawain unpack the science of epigenetics, revealing how lifestyle changes can override your genetic predispositions. From combating heart disease to cutting gluten and dairy, they share actionable tips and real-life experiences to help you rewrite your health story.

Tune in to hear Brad’s journey through a liver cleanse and Dawain’s motivational take on making better choices for a healthier, happier you. Subscribe and join the movement for a better life, one decision at a time!

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: What up, what up? What up? Welcome back to another edition of the Bad podcast, Brad and Duane. And here my brother Brad and man, Brad, before we get into what we're talking about, man, how cold is it where you are? [00:00:14] Speaker B: It's colder here than the North Pole, man, so I got to travel north to get to get a little warmer. It is 20 below zero here and just. Yeah, man, I'm mind blowing right now. 20 below with the wind chill. I'm cold, but I'm trying to keep it hot. [00:00:28] Speaker A: Hey, man, we always keep it hot, man. What are we talking about today, brother? [00:00:32] Speaker B: Man, we're talking about genetics and epigenetics. But the quote that I have today, you know, fresh out of the book, page number 22, this aspect of preparation is essential and must be viewed as non negotiable. To achieve success, you must surround yourself with individuals who uplift and support you rather than hold you back. Do you not? Do not allow the weight of negativity to obstruct your path to realizing your dreams. Talk about dreams. Let's talk about epigenetics. Let's talk about it. [00:00:58] Speaker A: Let's talk about it. [00:01:02] Speaker B: Are you ready? Are you ready? [00:01:18] Speaker A: What it looked like, what it be like, what it do. Back in here, another edition of the Bad Podcast. Brad and Wayne bringing it to you on another Monday. Monday morning. Whenever you're checking this out, whether it's on YouTube or on your podcast catcher, we're back there if you're wondering, man. Brad, we have a new audience, man. I posted in the E2M premium motivation group. You know, that's, that's a new, new thing we have. If you're part of each One Premium, we have a brand new each One Premium motivation group. And this group is just full of premium members. So posted in there this week. And because it's a brand new group, I was able to hit the at everyone tag. And yeah, man. So we got a lot of new, new folks that just discovered the Bad Podcast, man. So we want to say to you guys, welcome. Welcome to your favorite Monday morning. The best thing to go with your coffee is a bad podcast episode, man. So we're gonna jump right in, man. Shout out to y'all. Make sure you let us know, hey, you found us through premium or put it in the comments. I make sure to turn the comments back on, but make sure you let us know that you check this out, man. Brad. So let's get into it, man. [00:02:26] Speaker B: Yeah, so we, we mentioned right off the get go about epigenetics and genetics. And I've been reading some studies about epigenetics and what it essentially does. But, you know, we've all heard this concept of, well, it's hereditary. You know, I have high blood pressure because it's in my bloodline. I have heart disease because it's in my bloodline. And the thing is, is, is genetics are something that you're born with, and you can't necessarily alter your genetics. But epigenetics is. I'm gonna read it, read a definition of what epigenetics is. It's the study of how environmental factors and behaviors can change your gene expression without actually altering the DNA sequence. So what that means, Duane, is essentially altering your environment, changing the friends in your life, changing, you know, convincing your family to get on board with what you're doing in, in your next adventure, changing your behaviors, changing your habits, changing your routines. All right, and, and like I said, we've all heard, well, it's hereditary. I can't, I can't outlast high blood pressure. I can't beat heart disease, all those things. But the thing is, is, you know, are, are you doing anything different from your, from your past time? Are you doing anything different from your, your parents? If, if you're not, you're going to be a, you're going to be a direct carbon copy of what your parents were. If you're putting the same thing, if you're consuming the same things your parents are, you're going to be a carbon copy of what they were. So if you want to change, if you want to have some sort of different outcome, if you want to try to combat heart, heart disease, blood pressure, you know, all those things, high cholesterol, you have to, you have to, you have to engage in different behaviors, different routines, put different things in your bodies. I, I mentioned it off screen. Dwayne. I'm doing something right now called the liver rescue. I'm doing a liver, liver cleanse by the medical medium. This is something that I've never done before in my life. Right. Heart disease does low key run in my family, but I'm eating different things than my grandfather was. I'm eating different things than my father was. I'm putting different things into my body, different things into my mind that my parents were and my, my grandparents were. And that's the, the reason is, is because not necessarily I don't want to look like them. I don't want to be like them. I want to combat heart disease. I want to combat anything that they have had in their lives. That I don't want to deal with, you know, cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, all those things. I, I want to combat all those things. [00:04:50] Speaker A: Yeah, no, I, I, I love that. I agree with that. You know, it's funny, I just had my, my annual physical and, you know, the question they always ask, you know, is high blood pressure in your family, is, you know, diabetes in your family, you know, and when they ask that question, you know, because here's here, here's a, this is gonna surprise some people. Some people know it because it's common sense. But diabetes isn't a disease you can transfer through your bloodline. It's. Heart disease isn't a disease you could transfer through your bloodline. The reason why they ask, and if someone in your family, because like you said, you do the exact same thing, if you eat what they eat, you can have the exact same results. It's not like if, if you know, they have it and then you eat, you eat better, you know, it's going to better chances. Of course, there's some genetic things that involve that make, you know, predispose people to it, be more susceptible to it, but it's not an end all, be all. It's not like, you know, some, some ailments or some diseases are actually transferred and you're born with that thing, you know, your decisions you make, you know, being willing to do different than your family. That, I mean, it goes right along with what you said, man. And it, it, it helps you in a way where, you know, you don't have to settle for what, what, what happened to your parents or you don't have to settle for, you know, and that, and that's part of my motivation for getting healthy. You know, I remember, I tell the story all the time. Remember my parents turned 40 years old. I remember when they brought the, you know, the, the wheelchairs and the, you know, all of that stuff in. I remember that, you know, and I, I was like, yo, I don't want to be like that when I turn 40, man. So, you know, those are some things that, you know, you can, you can decide, like, we're going to talk about it more, but you can, you can redirect the path to your health and. [00:06:45] Speaker B: Even, even just like personally too, because, you know, through your, your late teens and your early 20s, you, you make a lot of decisions that aren't necessarily the best decisions for you. And I'll use myself and as, as an example, and I talk about this in depth in my book, but, you know, I, I I, I went through a period, I call it the dark ages, man, where I, I was turning to the bottle, I was eating fast food, I was turning to pizza all the time. I was making those decisions not, not with my health in mind, but how I felt in the moment, at the time. And that's what a lot of us do, is we make decisions on how we feel right here, right how we feel right now and to, just, to, just to touch on, on diabetes. Did you know that there was a type 3 diabetes? [00:07:29] Speaker A: I did not. [00:07:30] Speaker B: I was just enlightened the other day. There's a type 3 diabetes that, they're still kind of testing this out. But what type 3 prediabetes is, is, it's diabetes through manufactured sugar, man made sugar. And it's, it's, it's the, it's the, the dyes that we put in our body, it's the, the high, high fructose corn syrup that we put in our body. It's all these things that we put in our body that are manufactured in a factory somewhere by some guy's hands in a machine. We're putting that in our body and it's, and it's creating a new type of diabetes. So we're trying, we're trying to combat, you know, know sugar, you know, so, so we turn to this, this lower sugar option or this diet option or this fat free option without looking at the back and looking at the ingredients and we're pumping our body full of this crap. And, and, and, and now type 3 diabetes is A, is a thing. And I know that's not like really, really where we're going with the conversation today, but I think it all ties in, man. Like you, we, we make so many decisions on marketing, right? We talked about this just the other day. D, you know, I'll look at something that the rock puts out there. Zoa energy, his Teramana tequila, the Rock, the Rock shoes, Anything that rock says, hey, I wear these. I, I, I am, I'm, I'm more susceptible to go get that. I wear these, I drink these, I, you know, so on, so forth. But again, you have to come back to base and back to the foundation of what's best for you. Look at the bottom, look at the back of the bottle, look at the back of the box and say, I don't know what that is. I don't know what that is. I don't know what that is. I don't know what that is. Do your research. If you don't know what those chemicals are on the back of the box or the back of the bottle. Do your research. And if it's not, if it's not something that the body needs, your body, you probably shouldn't consume that. [00:09:21] Speaker A: Right? Exactly. [00:09:23] Speaker B: This liver cleanse has been, like, enlightening for me, and it's been, it's been a kind of a refresher. I've been pushing back every step of the way with my wife because I'm doing this for her. She really wanted to do it, and I, you know, I, I, you know me, I like a challenge, so. But I've been pushing back, but I'm learning about some of these different things, like no fats before. [00:09:45] Speaker A: Oh, your Internet must be froze too. No, fast before. [00:09:52] Speaker B: Let me know. [00:09:53] Speaker A: I want you to finish that. [00:09:55] Speaker B: No, no fats before noon and without going into depth. What it does is it. I, I, I, I, I don't even want to say the wrong thing, but, you know, it's in this book. And I'm gonna do my research because the next time I get on this pod, I'm gonna drop, I'm gonna drop a nugget. But it says no fats before noon because of what it does to your liver. Drinking lemon water, trying out celery juice, all these different things limiting your, your animal protein, which is something that I'm really struggling with because that's what I live on, man. I live on the chicken, the turkey, the beef, like, all those things. That's what I grew up on. You know, you talk about hereditary, you talk about genes and all that stuff. Like, that's what I grew up on. So I'm a, I'm a real struggle bus right now, trying to figure out what I can eat and, you know, what I can consume right now. But, you know, just, just trying to, to find ways to alter my, my behaviors and alter my routines to, to, to better, Better suit myself in, in the long run here. So it's, it's, it's an a, it's an adventure right now. [00:10:55] Speaker A: Definitely. Definitely adventure. I think my words were different. Like, it's different. Yes, it's a big difference. No, that, that's cool, man. You know, speaking of, you know, turning to, turning, you know, product around and reading the labels, man, there's one place where you can understand every single thing that's on the back, and that is E2M kitchen, man. So, yeah, if you, if you turn an E2M kitchen pack over you, you can understand every single thing that's back there. It's all natural Gl free. Make sure you check it out. I think they're. When they're running, they're running a special, right? What's that special, man? Hold on. I want to get that right. [00:11:31] Speaker B: I don't know the code, but it's the bulk. It's the bulk meats. It's the bulk. The vegetables, it's the bulk carbs, man. And this is my favorite because, you know, if you get one of those containers of chicken, that's not just one meal, you can break that down into two or three meals. And that's what I do, man. I, I take one of those bulk chickens, I cut that sucker up into three different portions and. And you want to talk about making your money last a lot longer, your butt go a lot further. That's the way to do it. [00:11:58] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. The bulk mills are clutch. Not. I mean, because, you know, Everybody doesn't do E2M that listens to this podcast. You know, even when I was in bodybuilding prep, I couldn't do the actual meals because of the, the fat content level, which it isn't a bad thing for those. There's people waiting to jump on what it is. And Andreas explained it. They use a lot of, you know, different natural oils to. Because they don't use preservatives. So they use the oils to kind of off balance and make sure that, you know, it's flavorful when you get to it. But that on a macro counter, you know, caused my macros to go up, and that's why I didn't use them. But when you order the bulk, when you order a stash of chicken or stack of cauliflower rice or whatever, you, you can, you have, you have the actual meat and you can, you know, like I said, create several different meals using the bulk. And so the code is four week 20. So the number four week and 20, I'm see if I could throw it on the banner real quick for you guys. So make sure you use this code. If you're a brand new to E2M Kitchen, if you put in the code for the number four week two zero, there it is. If you put that in on the, on the, on your, on your way of checking out, if you're a brand new customer, you get 20% off of that first box. So that's how you read the love. All right, man, let's look. That was our commercial break, man. [00:13:24] Speaker B: So, hey, I want to, I want to jump in here and pry in a little bit, you know, so I, I'm somebody that eats a very low Gluten, if any gluten in my, in my diet. And it's not something that I intentionally do. It's just a food. Foods that I consume are very low in gluten. You know, it's vegetables, it's proteins. If I'm doing carbohydrates, it's, it's lower. No gluten, gluten, carbohydrates. But I, I, so I'm, I'm doing an experiment right now and I'm training for the Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon and I'm doing a series every other week. I'm doing a different style of diet. Right now I'm doing a nine day liver cleanse. All right, so this is the nine day. It's not a seven day, but it's a nine day. But I did gluten a handful of weeks ago. Right. And you want to talk about some of the side effects. Diarrhea, bloating, skin rashes. There's, there's so many ties to, you know, negative outcomes and negative side effects from gluten that people don't even realize it's just like dairy, you know. Is dairy the worst thing in the world for you? No, not necessarily, if you're eating it in moderation. But we consume dairy, but like it's one of the food group, like it's one of the main food groups. And when we consume dairy and all of a sudden we have that bloat or we have those stomach issues, cramping, you know, headaches, all those things that come along with dairy and gluten and things along that nature, you know, we don't even realize it's, that it's that old concept. You don't know what you don't know. And once you cut that out of your diet, you're going to feel so much better. And, and we're all over the map today. But the reason that I bring that up is because again, I grew up in a family that, that we lived on dairy. We lived on gluten, high gluten foods. You know, a lot of pastas, a lot of cheeses. That, that kind of thing. That, that was like the 80s and 90s diet. Like that's what we rocked, you know, and, and, and, and no, no, no shade at my parents because that was, that was the norm, man. Like everybody was eating pasta, everybody was eating a bunch of cheeses. And, and now, you know, with deep diving some of these books and, and educating myself, I'm starting to realize, okay, that's why I had that headache that's why I couldn't run very well that day. That's why I felt so much inflammation in my joints and my knees, like in my back. But once you can eliminate those things or at least limit that. I'm not even saying eliminate. Just limit those things. Limit your gluten, limit your dairy, and you're going to feel so much better. [00:15:45] Speaker A: For sure. For sure, man. Yeah, that's. That's so true. And that's why, you know, a lot of people when they come into E2M and we, you know, we pretty much structure a clean diet like that. And, you know, they talk about, you know, not. Not having headaches and, you know, different inflammation and things like that that comes with, you know, changing those. Those habits, man. So that's. That's super cool. Hey, all right, man. So go ahead. [00:16:11] Speaker B: Yeah, real quick, though. But you talk about headaches, though, right? So know, you have to. To also understand you may experience some sort of detox headache, right? [00:16:20] Speaker A: Oh, for sure. [00:16:21] Speaker B: Week one, day one of this liver cleanse. Like my wife, coffee. She lives on coffee. And. And you can't have coffee. I'm drinking decaffeinated coffee over here. And. And coffee is a staple in, in my, my household, it's a staple. We drink a pot, no problem. Boom, gone. And we've had to eliminate coffee just for these nine days. And so she had a massive headache on day one, and it subsided on day two. But sometimes you gotta fight, and sometimes you got to have that expectation that it's going to be harder before it's going to be easier. You know, you're gonna have to fight for a little bit before you get to the. To that, you know, that, that. That promised land. And I think a lot of people don't have that expectation. You. You just see what could be. Like, you have this idea in your mind, like, I'm gonna be presented a trophy. I'm gonna feel good, I'm gonna win. We forget sometimes that this wasn't designed to be easy, wasn't designed for the masses. It's designed for everybody. But, you know, it's going to take some fighting and it's going to take some resilience. [00:17:23] Speaker A: Absolutely, absolutely. That's 100 true. [00:17:27] Speaker B: 100 true. [00:17:29] Speaker A: For sure. For sure. So, hey, man, you wanna. I know you kind of mentioned the. The genetic thing. I don't know if you want to anything you want to touch more on that with or. [00:17:40] Speaker B: No, I mean, you know, to. Genetic genetics versus epigenetics. Genetics is that stuff that you're born with. You can't outrun that. But the epigenetics portion or component to this is just, you know, changing your behaviors, just like we talked about today, changing your environment. And sometimes that environment, you know, I want you to think, everybody that's listening to this, I want you to think about the people that you have in your immediate circle. I call it your insulation. The people that surround you, the people that keep you warm, or the people that don't keep you, keep you warm. [00:18:09] Speaker A: I. [00:18:09] Speaker B: Are they supporters? Are they cheerleaders? Or are they, are they weight that needs to be cut free? And same thing with your behaviors in your routines. What kind of decisions are you making? What kind of actions are you taking? And, and do it. Do an inventory. I. When you're watching this on a Monday, do an inventory. Get real intentional with this and do an inventory. What decisions are you making? Are you going to the local donut shop and getting donuts before work? That's probably a bad behavior. That's probably a bad routine. Let's try to limit that or eliminate that over time. Are you, are you loading up with dairy in your coffee? Are you loading up with sugar in your coffee? Are you, are you eating a bunch of foods that, that's manufactured in a, in a building somewhere? You gotta start being intentional with the decisions and the actions that you take. And that's just all ties into this epigenetic idea where, you know, change your environment if you want to change your life, change your behaviors if you want to change your life. [00:19:09] Speaker A: Absolutely, man. So good. And then, you know, and it is possible, you know, we wouldn't be talking about it, you know, because some people feel like they don't have that option. Like you mentioned this. It's for everybody. It's just a matter of dialing in and clicking in. So. [00:19:23] Speaker B: Yeah, and, and D, I know I keep on cutting in here, but I just saw this post on social media the other day. They said, why is it so expensive to buy healthy food, folks? When you break it down, you know, when you buy in bulk, right, you buy, you buy a big bag of lettuce or a big box of lettuce or a big bag of frozen vegetables, or you buy chicken in the bulk or whatever and you meal prep, if you actually portion out what the dollar for dollar per meal is, it's actually not that much. And if you're talking about E2M kitchen meals, it's 12 bucks a meal. It's $12ameal. That's with shipping. That's with, with you pushing the Button, and it's on your doorstep for 12 bucks, Lincoln, I. To go to Starbucks and spend $12. And that's something right now we've cut out for, of our diet. So right there, my wife and I are saving 16 a day just by putting out Starbucks. 16 a day. Now you think about that for coffee alone, 12 bucks for a whole meal, like, it's not that expensive. And, and I also saw this other thing. It's like, you think that's expensive. Try a medical bill. Try paying your insurance and seeing that, that insurance rate go up because you're unhealthy or, or, or, or you need to go and, and have, have a checkup because your, your ticker's not ticking, you know, so, you know, if you, if you view food, your fuel, the things that you need for your body, for a healthy life, for longevity, if you view that as expensive, I just want you to take a step back and ask yourself, what's a medical bill going to cost? What's. What's it going to cost? What's it going to cost when you go into a casket when, when you go into six feet under? What's it going to cost your family? And that, that cost is a, Is a whole lot more of a burden than, Than going to the grocery store and really investing in your health and your, your nutrition. [00:21:12] Speaker A: Boom. That's the ending right there. [00:21:15] Speaker B: That's how we do. [00:21:16] Speaker A: That's the ending right there, man. No, that's, that's, that's so good. You good? You need to. [00:21:22] Speaker B: Sir. I'm good, man. Again, but no, I'm good. Hey, hey. Talk about the snow, man. You were talking about environment. You got snow down south. Come on. [00:21:34] Speaker A: It's a little bit, A little bit of snow, man. A little bit slow snow. When we're recording Monday, it won't be here by the time this drop. This snow will not be. [00:21:44] Speaker B: It must be nice. Mine will be here for another four months, unless we have to kind of break in the weather. [00:21:51] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, mine is, is almost going already, so. Good stuff, brother. All right, man. Well, if you good, I'm good. We can close this out, man. Make sure you guys leave a comment, share, leave a review, Let people know about the Bad podcast, your favorite podcast on Monday. The best thing that goes right there with that black coffee. If you're drinking coffee, if you're detoxing, like Brad, whatever the decaf. Decaf action or your tea or whatever it is, man. But until next time, man, we're out of here. Yep. [00:22:37] Speaker B: Boom. I got to do my research on this little.

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