Episode Transcript
[00:00:01] Speaker A: What up, what up, what up? Welcome back to another edition of the Bad Podcast. Brad and Dwayne in the building. My brother Brad, my brother. How you doing, man? What are we talking about today, man?
[00:00:12] Speaker B: Feeling good, you know, just. Just blessed to be here on a Monday and excited to be here on a Monday. Every day that we can get on this podcast, man, is a great day. Every day we're able to put our two feet on the ground. Great day.
Hey, folks, turn your. Your prep repertoire. Turn repeat books to page 47. Everybody please rise, please ride. All right, so on page 47, in moments of doubt, it's essential to recognize that these thoughts reside in our minds and do not reflect our actual capabilities to triumph. We must cultivate an uncommon will to silence that internal voice and press forward, taking one stroke and one petal at a time. As I cruised through the transition area from my bike, I felt as if I was conquering the world that I had accomplished. The sense of triumph was fleeting as I was quickly reminded that I still nowhere near the finish line. I just botched that entire thing, but it was close enough.
[00:01:10] Speaker A: I was just about to give you some. I was like, man, whoever wrote that was pretty deep, man. Deep. That's it, man. Let's get started then.
Are you ready?
[00:01:21] Speaker B: Are you ready?
[00:01:36] Speaker A: What it be like? What it look like, what it do, man? Back in here. Bad podcast, man. Super excited to come with another episode. We want to kick the show off, man, let you know who this week. You know, you see it scrolling on the bottom. You still can get your E2M kitchen meals, man. Use that code for number four, week 20, and you get 20 off your first box now that we paid the bills. Brad, I'm actually going to give you a chance to reread that statement if you want to. Not only if you want to.
[00:02:07] Speaker B: Let's see. 47. I'm just gonna read that last sentence.
[00:02:10] Speaker A: Because I bought it, man.
[00:02:13] Speaker B: As I cruised into the transition area from my bike, I felt as if I had just conquered the world with what I had accomplished. The sense of triumph was fleeting as I was quickly reminded that I had. I was still nowhere near the finish line in this piece of the book.
I was just getting done with my whim behind me. And, you know, sometimes when we reach a finish line, there's a sense of completion, there's a sense of that. There's a sense of we made it right. And a lot of people, that's where they start to lose, and that's where they start to lose their Vision and sight and. Okay, so a lot of people know right now I'm on my, I'm on my book tour. I'm doing a book tour right now. And I just had my first stop last week. And I had this woman come up to me. She's an E2M client, but she was also somebody that I taught with for a couple of years. Right around that Covid time and the day, the first day that she had worked on the job, we went for a walk with our kindergarten group. Okay, we're talking six year old kids. And she struggled to keep up with us. You know, we, we moved these kids, man. We. We don't mess around at Sherman Central School. And we moved. And she, she had one of those aha moments is what I like to call it. And she, she got a wake up call that day and she decided, today, I'm gonna, I'm gonna make the decision and I'm gonna, I'm gonna take action. And she's lost £80 since that day.
Big ones.
[00:03:36] Speaker A: Wait, you just don't prove. You don't cruise past £80, man. That is amazing.
[00:03:43] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:03:43] Speaker A: Sheesh.
[00:03:44] Speaker B: 80 big ones. Big smackaroos. But, you know, the reason that I bring this up is because it's not the £80 she said. £80 is, is behind me. I, I stand in front of you £80 less, but I'm lost. I. You. You saved my life. I lost 80 pounds, but I'm lost. And the reason that so many people get lost is because they think that, you know, success is a destination. You know, we talk about this often. They think that, you know, that £80 is a destination. And once you reach that finish line or once you reach that destination. I made it. Hey, look, I made it. And you and you go on that cruise control, right? Once you reach a finish line, you. You have learned the skills, you've learned the discipline.
[00:04:30] Speaker A: You.
[00:04:30] Speaker B: You've established fortitude and resilience to get there, the patience, all those things. Continue to use those skills to raise the bar for your next big goal. Instead of, instead of going complacent, set the. Reset the bar and say, what's next? I mean, we, we've been at this for so long. Dwayne, there's218,000 people in E2M. Not all218,000 are still taking action on a daily basis. Why? Because they lost their 20 pounds, they reached their goal, and when they got there, they had this expectation of, I made it, I'm here, I'm good, I'M good here.
[00:05:07] Speaker A: So true, man. So true. That is, I mean, that's, that's a, that's a reoccurring theme with us, man. We, we're always talking about this.
You know, a long time ago, those that are musicians that are listening would, would get this reference. But I used to say, I wish fitness had a sustained pedal. The sustain pedal is the pedal on that you hit when you're playing the keys. You want to note the last. Like, you hit that last note and you hold the sustain pedal and just let that key just keep going. Like I made a post years ago saying, man, I wish fitness had a sustained pedal. Like, you can reach something and it just, it stick. You ain't got to do nothing else, it's just there. But unfortunately, that's not how it is, man. You got to keep going, you got to keep pressing.
And you know that, that's just the, the reality of it. And I want to. You know, a lot of times when people hear us talk like this, you know, they may, you know, get a little discouraged or feel like, man, I'm never going to make. I've never, you know, but the same way you got to that point, you know, where you were it, that same effort, that same fortitude that got you there is going to take you to your next, to your next goal, man. And so, you know, I, I want to encourage that person that, that may be in that, that slump time, you know, that in between, you know, goal time, trying to figure it out, because we all been there, we've talked about it, we've, we've done whole podcasts talking about it, you know, especially when you, you do something that's, you know, astronomical, man, something that's, that's amazing, then a lot of times, really hard to find that thing, you know. One of my favorite guys is Gary Vee, man. I mean, I don't advise if you don't like language, but Gary Vee says, you know, fall in love with the process, man, not the destination. You know, when you fall in love with, you know, doing the thing to get you there. You know, he always preaches that because when you fall in love with the end result when you get there, then we're talking about what we're talking about. But if you enjoy the things that you do getting there, it just make it that much more sweeter.
[00:07:06] Speaker B: So, yeah, in that, that mindset, there is no destination. If you, if you're falling in love with the process, there is no finish line. Like, you just keep going and, and you Continue. And that's, that's how life goes. Like, your, Your goals will always evolve. Like, when you're 20 years old and you, and you get your first job at $25,000 $30,000 a year, you're like, holy cow, I'm rich. But as, as time progresses and you're. And you're 30 years old, that 30,000, it doesn't look so fine. And when you're 50, that 30,000, it don't look so fine. You know, and it's, it's the same thing with fitness. And I made this reference earlier about being a parent, you know, like this, this friend of mine, he's like, I'll never have kids. Why did you have kids? All these things. And I'm like, like, parenting is hard, right? But it's very, this is very applicable to fitness, and that's why I bring this up. But parenting is hard. But those days where my favorite part about being a parent is seeing my, my kid with a sense of accomplishment, right? In those days where he has that smile, boom, that's all I need. I think that's all I need. And, and how do you apply that to fitness? Like, most days are hard. Most days, it's tough to get out of bed early in the morning. It's tough to meal prep. But those days where you, you cross those, those, those mile markers and those milestones, those days that you start to figure something out and you, you smile and you have that twinkle in your eye and, and you're excited because, man, I never thought I could do this, but I did it anyway. It's those days, man, that make it all worth it. And, and you. So this is what I, I want to really talk about today. You know, for those that are struggling, you know, the, the first day that you take a day off, it's no big deal. And I want to paint a picture for everybody. And I, I did this this morning on, on my live treadmill circuit. So a day off is like a small speed bump in, in your. In your path to. To grander destinations, right? And every day that you go over that speed bump, you're going to erase that speed bump. You're just going to erase it. But you should. You take a day off, you get the speed bump. Not a big deal. You take two days off, that speed bump gets a little bit bigger. It's going to be a little harder to get over. Day three, it's even bigger now. It's starting to mound up. It's starting to become a hill. Day four, day five. And what starts to happen is this, this speed bump starts to get stacked up, stacked up, stacked up. And now it's a mountain. And the higher this mountain gets, the more we fear the climb. We're looking at this thing and we're, we're circling the base of the mountain and every day off what happens, it stacks up even higher, stacks up even further. And I'm looking at this thing and it's higher and scarier and higher and scarier and higher and scarier. And the more days that we take off, the bigger it gets and the further we get away from conquering that mountain. So the best way to taking that mountain back down to that mini speed bump or a flat path to grander destinations is start to climb.
And it's not going to be easy. You have to have the expectation that, that this is going to challenge you almost every step of the way.
[00:10:05] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. Wow, that's. You know, that applies to so much, bro, like, not just fitness, you know. You know, I, I know how you, you talk about, you know, taking time to read and all of that. That, I mean, when you miss a day is. It's that much more harder to get back at it, you know, and the next day, it keeps compounding that. Man, that is so good. And I never thought about it, you know, I mean, we witnessed the difficulty of it, but never thought about the, the bump, Speed bump growing. Man, that's really good, man. Put that in the next book.
[00:10:40] Speaker B: I'm working on it, man.
It is a compound effect. And I'll. I'll be honest, man. I haven't been reading as of late. Just. I've been reading my own book, just, just pages here and there, but I haven't been reading. And the reason is, is because I'm looking at that mountain right now, just thinking, man. Man, just to open that book. Opening that book is extremely hard for me right now. Just opening the book, if I, if I got the book open, I'll read a chapter, right? It's just like putting the shoes on. Like we talked a couple weeks ago, putting the shoes on, man, that is difficult. But once you get them suckers on, it's like, all right, let's climb, let's go. And I got a real life, real life example of, of why you make the climb and why you make the trek. So in 2000, 2017 or 2018, my wife and I went to Indonesia and we climbed this, this volcano. It's called the Asian Crater. And we, we walked all the way to the top of the Asian Crater. And. And so they offer tours. Me and Adrian don't roll like that. We don't roll with Poor Boy. And of course, it's totally legal. But we got there way before the sun came up and all the things and it. And we got there, and these two fellas greeted us at the base of the mountain. They're like, hey, you want our gas masks? And I'm like, that's disgusting. But sure. So we borrowed their gas masks, and. And because the sulfur is so bad inside of the crater. And so we start making the trek, man, right? And. And as we're making the track, we see other people are doing the same thing as us. And, you know, this. This was a steep, steep mountain, and it did the zigzag, boy, all the way up to the top of the mountain. The mountain. Because of how steep it was, you couldn't take it straight up, right? And the further we got up the mountain, the less people there were. Why? Because the further you get up that mountain, man, you're gassed, you're out of breath, you're tired. You don't believe that you can make it to the top. But I will tell you. And I. I remember telling Adrian, I said, I don't know if I'll make it, you know, and that just. That just ain't in my nature. It's not my genes not to. Not to keep going. But, right, we got to the top of that mountain, and I understood why you keep going when you're so close to the goal, because once we reach the top of that mountain and then we got to venture down inside the mouth of the volcano, you want to talk about true beauty, like, screensaver. True beauty.
The water. The sulfur water was. Was bluer than you can imagine. Blue. You know, seeing the yellow smoke, the yellow sulfur come out of the mountains. And here's the funniest part of the story, which has nothing to do with fitness or anything that we're talking.
The guy at the base of the mountain said, listen, when you see the. The sulfur smoke roll up, put your gas mask on immediately. And I. I was hesitant because this wasn't my mask. The dude was just wearing it ten minutes prior. I didn't want to wear it. He didn't have any sanitation wipes, nothing. And so I see the smoke, and I told Adrian, I said, I ain't putting this on. She goes, I'm putting mine on. Boom. She puts hers on, and I hesitate. And that smoke got about five feet from me. I said, okay, I'll put mine on. So I snapped mine on as fast as I could, but it wasn't fast enough, and I had a panic attack. And this is one of the scariest moments in my adventurous life because I thought, I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't catch my breath. The sulfur, the sulfuric smoke or smog or whatever you call it. I guess I can't even remember what it's called, but it was so intense that I could feel it in my chest. It took me probably 10 minutes to come down off of that panic attack.
But, but that, that's just, that's just side note. But, but, man, you make, you make the climbs, and when you get that close to the goal, you have to keep going. And I remember getting back down to the base of the mountain and how many people asked, how was it? How did it look? I'm like, I saw you three quarters of the way up. You didn't, you didn't make that last quarter of a stretch. Like, how, how are you going to go that far and quit there versus going that far and then walking all the way back down without seeing the glory, the promised land.
[00:14:41] Speaker A: So many do, man. So many do, dude. Yeah, yeah. That, that reminds me of, and I think I brought up here before that, that, that graphic of the two guys with the pickaxe, you know, digging and. Oh, yeah, yeah. One guy's like, they're, both of them are right there at the jewels, and one guy's walking away dragging his pickaxe and the other guy's still, still picking, man. So, you know, you never know. You're right there and you give up too soon. And that, that, that could, that can make all the difference in the world for sure. That reminds me of that.
[00:15:15] Speaker B: Yeah, I, you know, ran in, running the Charlotte Marathon, I don't know, a couple months ago now, I, I use this exact same reference because mile, I think it was mile 10 or 11, you know, towards the, the final stretch, there was a nasty hill. And I, I, I referenced it because how many people go through mile one, mile two, mile three, six, seven, eight, nine, all the way there, but you reach that, that difficult point towards the end of the journey, and instead of just, you know, embracing what's in front of you and continuing to put the feet on the ground and all that, instead of, instead of just going the final two miles, you're like, well, you know, that last nine miles, that last 10 miles, that seems better to me to turn around and go back into my past, back into my old routines back into my old habits than to embrace a new habit or embrace a new lifestyle change.
[00:16:09] Speaker A: So true, man. So freaking true. Wow. You know, I, you know, before we get ready to wrap this up, man, I just think about. Especially because this is. This is going to be week one when we post it. Yeah, so this is week one, man. So. Yeah, because. Yeah, yeah, we get so confused because we record a week ahead. Sorry, y'all.
[00:16:30] Speaker B: I'm just trying to figure out what today is. And then we're jumping ahead a week all the time.
[00:16:35] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, but, yeah, so. So. So I said that to say a lot of people are starting their journey. You know, we had a lot of people jump in in January. People that hadn't been around for a while come back, you know, jump into the four week.
And. And we have some brand new people that's discovering the podcast for the first time. And so this. This message is one that you need to save and play back on week three, week two, you know, next, the week after, because, you know, you're excited. You're just getting started, man. So we want you to take this message, man. Save this, this video, save the podcast. Re. Listen, because it'll be helpful when you get in that place where you feel like you're ready to quit, when you feel like you're ready to give up, or when you've completed a round and you, like, you know, what's next, you know, and. And the what's next is start back over, man.
[00:17:26] Speaker B: Keep.
[00:17:27] Speaker A: Keep doing it. And, you know, and. And it's so funny because everybody asked me about my routine, but if you watch my stories, I've been doing the same movements since March of 2024, like every week. On Monday, you're gonna see me do this Tuesday, that. That literally the same thing. I don't switch it up because what. What I do is I challenge myself. I go up and wait. I go, you know, I change the rep range. I do all those things, but the. The movement still work. This program still works no matter how many times you do it. You can challenge yourself, you can make. You can set your difficulty level, man. So just wanted to say that for those that are catching it for the very first time, man, and, And I'm gonna kick it to you if you got. You have a do you know? Did you know? Or you were gonna close it out.
[00:18:12] Speaker B: Come on, now I have it. I have a do you know. But I want to say one more thing because, yeah, not everybody can relate to fitness, right? And a lot of the people that get into E2M, they're here to regain their health.
Weight loss, great. Fat loss, great. All that, all the, all the, all the side things, they're phenomenal and very exciting. But most of the people that enjoy join E2M are here for the overall wellness, right? They want to regain their wellness and their health. So something that a lot of us can relate to is our careers, our jobs, our professions. So when you walk into the building of your. Your brand new job, you have a few things that are going on. One, you are extremely excited because you don't know what's ahead, but this is your dream job. Two, you're nervous as all get out because you don't know where the copy machine is. You don't know where the bathroom is. You don't know where the lunch break is. You don't know anybody in this group or in this building. Right? And three, you're going to have a sense of, I'm a master, okay? But I want you to reframe your mindset and have a flexed mind and be open to change and open to coaching and be open to the knowledge that we present in this group and, and, and accept the encouragement and motivation from. From others in this group because this is a group like no other. This is a family, this is a community, and that is the magic sauce. Brad, what is the magic sauce? Everybody asks, what's the magic. What's the secret recipe of E2M? It's the community and it's the people in our family in that E2M fam. So embrace the encouragement, embrace the motivation, embrace the positive vibes, because you don't get this positive vibe out there in the real. Out there in the real world.
[00:19:58] Speaker A: Sounds good, man.
Facts on facts. It applies everywhere. All right, man, let's do it.
Do you know.
All right, Brad, what announcement or acknowledgement or whatever you about to do right here?
[00:20:13] Speaker B: I can. I can hardly contain myself. D as of this podcast dropping, Columbia, South Carolina, we're coming to you April 12th. Step Jam South. I cannot wait. And what is Step Jam South? What is Step Jam? What is the Step Jam series? It's this. It's our. It's our meetups revamped. It's our meetups with more energy than ever before. We have the same dj, but he's bringing that extra juice. Juice. We have the same crew that's coming. They're bringing that extra juice. Juice. It's going to kick off Friday night with our jamboree weekend. It's going to kick off Friday night, we're going to do a Friday night social. Add us, add an establishment, we'll do packet pickup, we'll do all the things. Add an establishment. Friday night, Saturday morning, we're going to kick off the day with a one hour run walk. This is for all levels. If you don't want to walk or run, get signed up anyways and go out there and just test yourself, be a part of the community. It's one hour. See what you can do. If you decide you want to walk one lap and then be a cheerleader for the rest of the day, that's fine. If you want to push the limits, you want to extend your parameters and you want to go for a world record, go for the world record. Nine miles is the record for eager to run right now. Nine miles in 60 minutes, which is crazy. Some young buck up in Buffalo, New York set that record following the actual step Jam. One hour run walk. Going to have a meetup, we're going to have a celebration. We're going to be taking pictures with your favorite trainers. We have refreshments, drinks, food, a lot of, a lot of fun things going on after the fact. And then of course, we're going to do our after social, our after jam party, and, and Dwayne and I will probably set up the podcast unbeknownst to him until just this very second.
But man, I'm excited. You know, it's not every day we get to go to our communities and say thanks to the communities. And the last thing that I'm going to say about this is we're raising the bar. This year. One of my personal goals is to put shoes on every kid in the world. There's 300 million kids in the world that don't have proper footwear. And in 2025, that's an absolutely ridiculous stat and I cannot believe it, but that's the world we live in. One of our initiatives and one of our movements for 2025 is to to kick start that a little bit. And we're teaming up with Souls For Souls. They will be on site at both of our events down in Columbia and up in New Jersey. You can donate lightly used shoes, you can donate brand new sho, donate monetary donations. Every $20 that we raise puts a brand new pair of shoes on a kid here in the United States of America. Brand new. I'm talking Jordans, I'm talking Reebok, I'm talking Under Armour. Any shoe that these kids pick out for every shoe donation, we're putting shoes on, on kids Outside of this country. They have an initiative putting shoes on, on kids outside of this country. So we're putting shoes on kids all over the world. And that is a piece that is a component to our Step Jam 2025 series. I'm freaking empty.
[00:23:02] Speaker A: I love it, man. I love it. Good stuff, good stuff.
[00:23:06] Speaker B: Breath.
[00:23:09] Speaker A: Columbia. We coming baby. We on our way. That's gonna be exciting. April. So it's gonna be springtime. Good weather, good time to come, come down, come on down beats and enjoy the good weather, man. But no, that's super dope and I know Colombia is excited to, to see that. And this is not just for people in Colombia. If you're in driving distance, if you're in walking distance, you're in flying this.
Come on down, man. This is the, this is going to be the, the south meet up, man. We're gonna have a south meet up and then we'll have a north meet up like he mentioned a little bit later. So if you in the, in the lower, lower hemisphere of the, of the state or the uh, country, make sure you come to that Colombian meetup, man. We got a great location and it's going to be, it's gonna be crazy, man.
[00:23:54] Speaker B: So, and, and man, I'll tell you, I've already had a handful of people reach out, say hey, I'm flying in. I'm, I'm making the eight hour drive. I need to be there. So if you're brand new to this community or you've never been to a meetup, I really, really, I cannot emphasize enough get to one of these meetups, you will be re energized you that, that goal that seems so far away. You come to this meetup, I promise you, and I don't promise a whole lot, but I promise you, if you come to one of these meetups, you will take that next step towards your goal. You will see the needle move, needle shift in your game. If you make it to one of our meetups, these are packed full of good vibes, packed full of motivation, packed full of encouragement, packed full of Dwayne, packed full of Uncle Brad. You will enjoy the he double toothpicks out of these events. And guys, I can't emphasize it enough, do not miss out on on Step Jam South. Don't miss out on step jam north. July 19th up in Sewell, New Jersey. Excited for both, but don't miss out, guys, I'm telling you right now, you'd be a fool to miss out on these events. It's, it's going to be some of the best energy that you can find in the whatever hemisphere we're in.
[00:25:05] Speaker A: Yeah, I messed that all up.
I like social studies. I like history. I'm not a geography guy, so.
But I knew where I know where I'm at. But anyway, man, we appreciate you guys tuning in to the bad podcast, the baddest podcast on your podcast, Catcher, YouTube. Make sure you subscribe. Leave a review, leave a comment, tag a friend, share it, Tag us. All the things, man, till next time we out of here.