Welcome to the BAD Podcast, where Brad and Dawain dive into the topic of “Creatures of Convenience” and the importance of eliminating the word “unless” from our vocabulary. How often have we said we’re “all in” only to fall back into old habits? It’s easy to make promises when things are convenient, but how we handle uncertainty is what sets winners apart. Instead of relying on the crutch of “unless,” let’s start doing the work with our masterpieces in mind and remind ourselves why we’re doing what we’re doing, regardless of any bad news or misalignment life presents. And let’s intentionally seek out inconvenience to prepare ourselves for life’s questionable moments. It’s time to eliminate the unless and become creatures of commitment.
Don’t Be an Imposter “Quiet your inner negativity.” ▪️Imposter syndrome is the doubt of skill, talent, or accomplishments that have internalized fear of being...
About the Guest(s): Tucker: Tucker is a dedicated endurance athlete and running coach based in Denver, Colorado. With a lifetime of running experience, he...
Success Isn’t a Destination “Leave Your Legacy” ▪️Everyone has their own definition or thoughts of what success is. ▪️Success, to me is the pursuit...