[00:00:03] Speaker A: Hey, what's up? What's up? What's up? Welcome, everybody, to another bad podcast. Bad Brad and Dwayne. And just as a.
I said that Brad leaves the screen. He's coming back. But in the meantime, we're going to talk about stumbling blocks and stepping stones. And, Brad, I hope you come back soon so you can give us the quote, I don't know where you went, and we might have to stop recording.
Did you hear all that?
[00:00:31] Speaker B: My hair.
I heard some of it.
Oh, man. You know, and. And we're going to use this as a part of this podcast today. Adaptability. You got to be able to adapt, and we're adapting today. So the. The quote that we have today is from Maxim Legacy. If you're truly determined, every obstacle becomes a stepping stone. Let's talk about stepping stones. Let's talk about obstacles. Let's talk about determination.
[00:00:56] Speaker A: Let's do it.
Are you ready?
[00:01:01] Speaker B: Are you ready?
[00:01:17] Speaker A: What it look like, what it be like, what it do, man? I'm in the studio. We are using Zoom. We are doing all things today, man, but what we're doing is we're bringing you another awesome podcast here with my brother Brad. And today we have a guest. This guest I actually met at the gym. You guys know, I spent a lot of time at the gym, and so, you know, this guy saw me at the gym, and we started talk, man, and you're going to see why we bringing them. But, Brad, man, I'm going to kick it to you, man, before we pass it over to our special guest.
[00:01:50] Speaker B: Yeah. So I'm excited about this one, because this guy has a lot in common with what we believe in, and. And he walks the same steps as we do. So, Greg, I want you to take it for a second, and I want you to introduce yourself, tell us a little bit about yourself.
[00:02:03] Speaker C: Hey. What? First of all, thank y'all so much for having me on the show. I know we've been trying to get us together for. For a good while, you know, real simple. I'm Gregory Archbold. I'm recently retired from the. The military after 33 years.
I'm married to my best friend. I have four kids, and I am a fan of all things motivation and leadership.
[00:02:32] Speaker B: You're going to learn well today, sir.
[00:02:33] Speaker A: You're in the right place, brother. We are all things motivation and some leadership.
So, Brad, man, let's get into it, man.
[00:02:44] Speaker B: Yeah. You know, being a military guy, being a gym guy, you know, a thing or two about the D word, that D word that I talk about today is discipline, but also determination. How did your time in the military shape your discipline to allow yourself to, you know, find that space in the gym and use that as a. As a tool to excel your life?
[00:03:10] Speaker C: Well, one of. One of the things that I learned early on in my. In my military career was that you can do more than you think you can do.
When I first. When I first joined the army, you would have never told me that I would have been able to put, you know, heavy weight on my back and walk 12 to 20 miles. You would have never told me that I would be able to successfully jump out of a perfectly good airplane.
You would have never told me that I would have climbed mountains and done some of the things, the physicality. But also you would have never told me that a kid who barely graduated high school had the discipline and determination to go on to get two master's degrees simply because some people said that I couldn't do it. They got the wrong brother on that one. They got the wrong brother on that one. So, you know, a lot of that was. Was taught to me that said, hey, if I set my mind to it, there's nothing that I cannot accomplish.
[00:04:16] Speaker A: I love that, man. So I'm gonna jump in, Brad, you know, but no, man, so. So it's funny because I heard kind of two things. The first thing was, you know, you mentioned how, you know, you couldn't. You didn't imagine you'd be able to accomplish these things, but there had to be, like, a point where that mindset changed because you had to go from, I couldn't imagine I could be doing all these things to the guy that says, hey, you said, I can't do it. I'm going to show you, you know, so what was that transition like, man? Because, you know, that. That almost sound like two different characters, man. So. So talk about that a little bit.
[00:04:54] Speaker C: Well, I think for me, it started early on, and. And it was actually started academically, when a lot of people think the army is all about muscle, but there's a lot of studying and education that's involved. And I think as I was going through some things, I started. I know this is going to sound crazy, but I started winning, and I got a little win, and then I got a little taste of what success tasted like, and I kind of liked it.
Then I got another win, and then I got another win. And then it just got to the point where, you know, those little wins added up, and I was like, there's nothing stopping me. There's. There's no more. You know, I can't do it. You know, a lot of people will say, oh, D. Brad, you're lucky because you look this way, or you're lucky because the job here's, here's a good one you could share with everybody. Luck is defined as the hard work that other people don't see.
Luck is defined as the hard work that other people do not see. And I started to put myself in a position where I didn't care what other people said. I was going to be dedicated to whatever it is that I wanted to do and in all aspects of my life. And it led to me having a very sexual successful career in the military.
[00:06:21] Speaker B: I, I love it, man. So when, when the, when the drawings, when the blinds are drawn, man, and you're putting in the grind behind the scenes and that's the luck that you talk about. And that, that, that really, that really lights a fire. Because I've heard it, I know Dwayne's heard it. Oh man, it must be nice, it must be nice to be where you're at in the journey. It must be nice to have that sort of luck or be handed that, this, that or the other. But nobody knows those micro wins, nobody knows those mile markers that we had to pass along the way to get us to where we are today. And you know, you talk about hard work, you talk about grit, determination, all those things. And I, so I had this, this, this way of living. It's called prep, rep, repeat. And, and a piece of the preparation is putting good people in your, in your life, you know, and, and Dwayne and I talk about this all the time. I call it insulation, right? Who I insulate myself with, who I surround myself with. So how does that play a role in who you are and what you are?
[00:07:16] Speaker C: Oh, it is, it is, it is so huge. And I, I, I totally gonna, I'm in love with the insulation concept because here's the deal.
You are the sum of the six people that you hang out with. And if you hang out with five people who are into fitness, you will eventually get into fitness and good eating. If you're hanging around with five broke people, I hate to tell you, you're gonna end up broke. And, and it's not because of some magical dust that they're gonna sprinkle around you. You know, I want to be on stage and I want to present a positive image about the things that made me successful. And if I was not at the gym at 5 o'clock in the morning, I would have Never met D. And I would have never been on this opportunity. So some of it has to be about the people. And here's something that I share with people, adults and, and a lot of times I share this with, with teenagers, I tell them to look into your social media, your text messages, your emails, and look at the last time someone sent you a message that helped you become a better person, right? And then normally they can't do it, but here's the most important question. Now they have to ask themselves, what you messing with those dudes for or those ladies for if they don't bring any positive spark to your life? So I find myself making sure that my. I surround myself with people who are, are on the same trajectory of life. And it doesn't necessarily always we all have to be the same. But, but if you're a positive person, you're about fitness. I know if I need workout or, you know, nutrition advice, I got D.
If I need certain things about it or whatever, it doesn't matter what it is. But you need to surround yourself because your circle can also become your cage.
[00:09:14] Speaker A: I like that, man. And that's something we hit on a lot of times, man. That's a quotable moment right there. Your circle can become your cage, man. So Brad's going to use it in his next workout class. Make sure you get it.
Make sure you give Gregory the credit on that one, man. Tell him to listen to this episode. But no, man, that's. That's super dope. You know, one thing that I, that, that I love, you know, about you, G, is, is. Is the passion, man, is evident in your conversation, is evident, you know, in the times you talked, you know, watched a couple of your videos, you know, and what, what, what's the driving force for that, man? Because I even witnessed, I don't know if you remember this, but I was in the locker room, this guy was. One guy was, I guess, getting ready to retire, and another guy was like, yeah, man, I'll look out, whatever. And you came around the corner, said, hey man, listen, if you really want a job, you better go out and do. Because people gonna promise you make promise, you know, like you broke it down. And I was like, oh, snap.
But what, what gives you that passion, man, and drive, man, to just, just help people?
[00:10:21] Speaker C: Well, I was not always the, the stellar individual that you see before you.
So I, I have come a long way and I am where I am today, number one, because I have the greatest parents in the world.
They, they taught me some things and they, they have put me this way. You know, my dad was a motivational speaker before they actually coined the term. Before they had. Before they had, you know, YouTube and stuff. My dad used to. They used to have these, like, books with cassette tapes, and he would play them and just to get into that mindset. So I grew up in a household. You know, my mom did a tandem skydive. I want to say late 60s, early 70s. You know, she's a certified Zumba instructor. So teamwork. We don't play around. We do not play around. So. But because of some of the leaders that I had in my life, and, you know, I will say I'm lucky enough that the good leadership that I had, they saw something in me and instilled it in me. So I find it something that I'm just. I'm just called to help people.
And. And sometimes in today's society, it's rough because sometimes you want to help people, but they don't want your help. D. You know, and then. And then. But I. My wife gets upset with me sometimes because I want to help people and I'm giving all this energy, but they ain't giving me no energy back. So I'm the type of person, now that I give people a little bit of homework. Hey, you want to do what I'm doing? Because, you know, I.
Where I work, there's a lot of young people. People say, oh, man, you know, you a manager. How do I get down? Come on in my office and I'll tell you. And then all of a sudden, they're like, oh, this guy's. This guy's for real. Hey, do these things get back to me? We'll schedule coffee.
Nine times out of 10, they don't come back. But that's okay, though, because you. You already let me know where you are. But the. The kid who have to have to duck and dodge because, hey, Greg, hold up. I got something for you. Or, hey. Yeah. But so for. For me, I think a lot of why I am the way I am is. Is based on the leadership, the, you know, the. The people who had been in my life.
And I have to give a shout out to my. My best friend and wife, Kathy. She's been with me, and, you know, she makes me a better person, and she gives me a lot of drive to. To be the person that I can be. And a lot of times when you do that, you have individuals who will go out of their way to help you. I had a former mentor who hooked me up with one of the biggest speaking Bureaus in, you know, in the D.C. beltway, you know, they've got some famous people, and I'm probably the. The most. Least interesting person on the. On the. On their stuff, but I'm gonna give it everything I got. Because, you know, you. You may have name brand, but I got energy brand. And that's something that cannot be broken.
[00:13:28] Speaker B: Amen. Energy Energy brand. I'm using.
[00:13:35] Speaker A: I guess he's using that one, too.
[00:13:38] Speaker C: Oh, it's all good. It's all good.
[00:13:40] Speaker A: Yeah, you gotta make sure, Greg. I'm telling you, we gotta stay on Brad. Make sure he give you credit, man, because. Because I. I can hear his next class is gon. Bunch of. Whole bunch of great quotes, man. But what were you saying, bro?
[00:13:52] Speaker B: I'm talking energy brand. I'm talking energy brand. I'm talking circles. Become your cage. I'm talking all this stuff in my next class, man. You better believe.
No, one of the. One of the things that I caught there was, you know, energy vampires. And a lot of times we pour into these people because we see that they need to be saved, right? We want to be the savior. We want to come in and be the superhero. But you can only save somebody when they're ready to be saved, right?
Yeah, man. So, like, it's hard, too, because we all have friends, we all have family members, we all have loved ones. And we see what they could become. We see what talent they have, what we see how far they could go and what they could become and all the accomplishments they could feed themselves. They don't want that. They don't understand what it looks like beyond the horizon because they've never. They've never tested the waters. They've accepted comfort, they've accepted contentment. They've. They've accepted where they are. And they look around and. And things are all right. Things are all right. But you know what, man? When you get a taste of that success like you had at one point in your life, all right, you get a taste of that, man. Then you take that one more step. You take that one more step and you keep going. And then I. I talk about this all the time, Gregory.
The further that you go, the stronger you get, the stronger you get, the further that you want to go. And you just keep that driven, Mom. One step, One step. And you just keep taking more and more and more. And then all of a sudden, it's those employees that you have under you, right? And they're like, hey, how do I get there? Well, come into my office. Well, talk is cheap. Because, hey, come into my office. Oh, yeah, I'll be there. What time you want me walk the walk? And very few people are willing to take those steps. Walk for walk for walk, step for step for step. And, man, so like, you throwing some nuggets out here today, and I'll turn it back over to you, but just keep preaching, man, I love this.
[00:15:40] Speaker C: Here's, here's. It's so fun that you say the higher you go, right? One of the things that I, I like to share with people is the higher you go, the less the competition, right? Because there's not a, A, A city full of, let's say, neurosurgeons. Why? Because neurosurgeon is hard.
People. People, you know, oh, you see this guy in the gym, it's hard. You know, we all know abs are made in the kitchen. We all know that. But, you know, it is what it is, right? So a lot of people, if you can get them to say, hey, look, it's not about where you are, it's about where you will be. And one of the things, when I think about discipline, right? Discipline is not as much about what you do. Discipline is about what you're willing to give up.
Work with me. Y'all hear what I'm saying? Discipline is what, what you're willing to give up. Discipline is about, you know, giving up. Let's say that, that I don't want to throw no fast food places on blast. But you know those, those double burgers with that extra lard and stuff? You, you, you got to. You ain't gonna look like D eating burgers. Now, you can, you can cheat every now and then, but every now and then can't turn into every day, you know, because you didn't get where you are overnight. And you're not going to improve your life overnight. And too many people want instant gratification like checkers. That's why I say, I tell people life is about a chess game. And life is also about.
I tell these young folks this all the time. Every time you are out, it is an interview. You never know who you're going to run into. So are you the. Are you the guy? Because I could, I could see D, right? And, or he could have met me. And here I am acting stupid somewhere in town, and then all of a sudden he sees me on video talking about leadership and self help, like, dude's a clown, right? You have to, you have to represent who you are, right? The, the other thing I think, where I try to help a lot of People is realize this is that there are seven days in the week, and someday is not one of them.
Okay? Someday is not one of them. If you want to be something, you got to start today.
You got to start today. You can't. You can't wait, because here's what happens. You blink your eye, and next thing you know, 20 years go by, and you're like, man, I'm still in the same boat that I was in. Because people only question their lives when it's not going in the direction that they had planned. Come on, y'all, hear what I'm saying? People only question their lives when it goes in a direction that they did not plan. You know, I. I sometimes feel guilty. People say, hey, Greg, how you doing? I said, man, I. I, like. I feel guilty telling you how great my life is. Why? Because of the sacrifices that my. My wife and I made many, many years ago, you know? Yeah, I like to go out and party, too, but guess what? I was taking classes at night. You know, I like to. To hang out late and do those things. But guess what? I got to be disciplined and. And give up some stuff. You know, you may have to give up going out with your friends. You may have to give up on a vacation. I had to give up comfortability and drive one car so we could become a little bit more financially stable. So.
But yeah, I'm a. I'm passing back to you.
[00:19:17] Speaker A: Yeah, man, Look, Brad, so. So much good stuff, brother.
I. I really enjoyed that, man. Just.
I don't know, everything you said, like. Like, this is gonna be a lot of quotable moments. Make sure you guys save this episode. But I had to jump in on the food thing, man, because why are you talking about food right now? If you go to e2mkitchen.com and you use the code, the bad pod. One word, the bad pod, you get 10% off your entire order.
And you know that. That just want to throw that plug out there. E2M kitchen is our E2M compliant meals. You can eat these meals, and you will see an amazing results just in. Just 10. Eating the meals. Because like. Like Gregory said, abs are built in the kitchen. What better kitchen than E2M kitchen? So. All right, B. Back to you, brother.
[00:20:08] Speaker B: Yeah, so I. I want to take it back a couple of minutes. You were talking about the higher that you go. And I'm sure you guys have heard this analogy, but I'm gonna. I'm gonna say it for the viewers anyway. You know how the small birds and crows will surround an Eagle. And an eagle will not try to fly with the crows. It won't try to fight off the crows. What it does is it goes higher and higher and higher and higher into the sky, and the higher that it soars, man, the little birds and the crows, they can't handle that pressure that's that high in the sky. But the eagle. The eagle absolutely can. And then I want to talk about law of attraction, man. What you put out is what you get what you get back. And you're talking about, you know, putting. Putting on, you know, putting out exactly who you are and representing yourself, right? You're not out there making a clown out of yourself. You're not out there saying you're one thing and then you're actually something else, man. You're living through who you actually are. You are representing exactly who you are, man. You've had to invest, you've had to sacrifice. You've had to put in some time that you didn't want to. You've had to cut out some of those Friday nights, the Saturday nights, man. And you said something about today, right? Today, man, it's all about grind on a Monday, grind on a Tuesday, grind on a Wednesday, grind on a Thursday, grind on a Friday, grind on a Saturday, grind on a Sunday. Someday, like you said. Ah, that ain't a day of the week, baby. Let's go.
[00:21:33] Speaker A: I love that, man. I love that. All right, G. So we're getting ready to transition, brother, to the. The part of the show where we ask our favorite question. But before we do, I'm gonna give you an opportunity to, you know, any closing remarks or anything. Always let Brad do the closing remarks at the end. So I'm give you space, man. Anything you want to leave with our clients, our subscribers, our listeners. Anything you want to say in closing before we get into this last portion, just real quick.
[00:22:02] Speaker C: You know, my catchphrase is stay driven, because motivation is temporary. And don't ever be average. You know, as Brad said, the higher up you go, the less the competition you are worthy. The other thing I will tell you is we have a lot of hard things going on in our society right now. You are never alone. If you need something, you need somebody, you reach out to me, and I got you.
[00:22:31] Speaker A: All right, so while you're saying that, how can they find you, man? You're on social media. I know you got a pretty Instagram, pretty strong ig, man. So throw your handles at out there, right?
[00:22:40] Speaker C: So I'm on. I'm one of those. I'm not as creative, maybe as I like to be. But you can find me on Instagram at Gregory Archbold I'm on. Under my name. You can find me on Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube. I'm working on the YouTube channel a little bit more. And if you want to, you know, get together and collab on some things or you're looking for a speaker for an event, you can find
[email protected] and just hit me up and I guarantee you that I'll get back to you as. As quick as I can.
[00:23:14] Speaker A: Awesome, brother. We'll definitely make sure you put all that in the show notes as well, so. All right, G, this is the part, man. The. The portion of the show we ask our favorite question. This is the do you know or did you know moment. We got a short video that is going to play, is really short, and we're going to play it right here.
[00:23:33] Speaker C: Do you know?
[00:23:34] Speaker A: All right, man, so what is a do you know or did you know moment about you, man? Something that you either haven't said publicly or not a lot of people know about you.
[00:23:45] Speaker C: Not a lot of people know that. I can move my ears on command.
Pick an ear left.
[00:24:03] Speaker A: All right. A man of many talents.
So you say your wife let you know this, right? That was. That was.
[00:24:12] Speaker C: Yes. She said, depends on how serious they are. I said, no, these are good guys.
She said, do the ear trick form. You'll find that funny.
[00:24:22] Speaker A: There you go. No, that's fire, man. Now, we appreciate that, brother, man. Super dope episode, G. We definitely gonna have you back, man. We got a lot of you, a lot of knowledge, a lot of passion, and. And it's. It is the DNA of the bad podcast, man. We. We are those guys as well. So definitely appreciate your. Your time and coming in and sitting with us, man. So, Brad, man, in closing, brother, what you got for the folks?
[00:24:48] Speaker B: For every single individual that is walking today through the steps of the trial and tribulation, it's time to uncage your greatness, change your circle or change your circle. Let's go.
[00:25:00] Speaker A: Hey, let's go.
[00:25:05] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:25:07] Speaker B: Boom, boom.
[00:25:12] Speaker A: Yeah.